Jeremy Rolleston
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Two-time Olympian, Founder of active8me.com
Jeremy Rolleston is a two-time Olympian, a two-time World Champion (Masters) in Surf-Life Saving, and an Australian representative in Rugby Sevens. He is also founder and CEO of Active8me, Asia’s leading mobile fitness & health offering. Active8me is your all-in-one-convenient solution - with a range of programs to choose from - from Weight loss to Running (10km, 21km, 42km). Each program has expertly designed workout plans, nutrition plans & healthy recipes, mindset lessons, tracking and more. It’s like a personal trainer, dietician and life coach in your pocket. Available anytime, anywhere! Active8me is customised to you, developed by incredible experts (Olympians, dieticians) and designed to fit into your busy schedule. Check it out for free at www.active8me.com.
Entries by Jeremy Rolleston