Slow Runner
- by SlowRunner Be yourself and run happy!
Blogger's bio
- by SlowRunner Be yourself and run happy!

Number of posts: 7 / Blogging since: October 2014
I decided to be a contributor to for because I run a lot and I think it's a pity to let these experiences gone to waste which can otherwise be great tips to others who have just started or potentially going to start running.
I run because I aspire to lead a healthy lifestyle and quit smoking. And along the way, the journey has made me discover new meaningful things and made many precious fun loving friends.
Number of posts: 7
Blogging since: October 2014
First race: Adidas King of the Road 2012 (KOTR)
Favorite race: Green Corridor Run 2014
Favorite training place: Jurong Lake and MacRitchie Reservoir