Supertramp Runs
- by Supertramp I am a runner because I run. Not because I run fast. Not because I run far.
Blogger's bio
- by Supertramp I am a runner because I run. Not because I run fast. Not because I run far.

Number of posts: 23 / Blogging since: Mar 2016
A late runner who only started serious (if I can call it that) running in 2nd half of 2015. It all started because I had time to fill on my hands and wanted to give running a try though I have never been a fitness enthusiast. One of the few who started running in the reverse way ie Full Marathon before 32km before Half Marathon. So would like to share my runs the way I see it from my perspective.
Number of posts: 23
Blogging since: Mar 2016
First race: Love Your Heart Run
Favorite race: Mt. GaoLiGong Ultra