In view of the current COVID-19 situation and measures implemented by the governments, we have asked some of the National Athletes to share some tips with our running and sports community on how to stay physically, mentally and/or nutritionally healthy during this period.
1. How do we stay active or physically healthy during this period, considering that we are encouraged to stay at home as much as possible?
Bagi seseorang untuk mengekalkan aktif dan menjaga kesihatan dan juga stamina sepanjang perintah kawalan pergerakan, sangat mencabar kepada setiap individu kerana bersenam hanya di dalam kawasan yang agak terbatas dengan jarak, jadi seseorang perlu membuat insetif dengan bijak, menggunakan pelbagai teknik senam dan drill atlite dalam kawasan setempat, contoh seperti menggunakan skipping, pergerakan jack knsee, high knsee, burpees , jumping jack , plank , mountain climber dan pelbagai lagi yang kita juga boleh tengok tip ini di you tube, untuk lebih memudahkan kita.
[Translated by JRL]
For someone to stay active and care for one’s health and stamina throughout this MCO is extremely challenging for every individual. It’s because we could only exercise within a limited space. So one will have to craft smart incentives, carry out several exercise techniques and athlete drills within the limited space. For example, skipping, jack knee movements, high knee, burpees, jumping jacks, plank, mountain climber and many other variations you could view from youtube, so as to make things easier for us.
2. How do we stay calm during this stressful period?
Bagi saya keadaan kita sekarang perlukan disiplin yang tinggi dalam diri untuk kekal tenang dan bersabar dengan apa yang berlaku pada negara kita juga seluruh dunia, kita harus kuat untuk melawan covid19 supaya ia cepat lenyap dari negara kita, jika ia cepat lenyap itu menunjukan yang rakyat malaysia mempunyai disiplin yang tinggi mengikut arahan yang terbaik dikeluarkan oleh pihak kerajaan, dan akan memberi kesan dan membuktikan pada seluruh dunia bahawa rakyat malaysia mempunyai disiplin yang tinggi.
[Translated by JRL]
For me, in this situation that we are in, we need high self-discipline to stay calm and have patience with what is happening within the country and around the world. We have to be strong in fighting COVID-19 so that it will disappear fast from our country. If it goes away fast, it will show that Malaysians have strong discipline in adhering to the best instructions issued by the government and it will produce results and prove to the whole world that Malaysians are highly disciplined people.
3. Are there any simple nutrition plans, tips or recipes that we can follow?
Petua saya harap dapat kita bersabar dalam cara pemakanan dengan betul tidak terlalu lebih makan cuba dan hadkan makanan tidak seperti kehidupan yang kita sebelum ini, kerana mungkin semasa tu kita sentiasa aktif dan bergerak jauh, kurangkan makanan yang berminyak dan minuman yang berais batu.
[Translated by JRL]
My tip, I hope we’ll be able to be patient in our dietary lifestyle – to not eat too much, and limit food intake unlike how things were previously. This is because we probably were more active and always on the move. So we should eat less oily food and drink less iced water.
4. Are there any recommendations on resources (youtube channel/video, social media pages, blogs, books, podcasts etc) to refer to?
Ya bagi masa ini kita perlu banyak rujuk kepada saluran video youtube, halaman media sosial dan sebagai nya yang boleh jadikan rujukan untuk kita dapat belajar bagaimana untuk bersenam dalam setempat dengan betul.
[Translated by JRL]
Yes, for now, we have to refer alot more to youtube video channels, social media etc so that we could learn how to exercise proper in a limited space.

Muhaizar Mohamad is a Team Malaysia Marathoner who represented the country at the Southeast Asian Games 2019.
Muhaizar clinched the Marathon Bronze medal at the 2017 and 2019 SEA Games with a time of 2h31min and 2h33min respectively.
His other achievements included a personal best of 2h26min at the Berlin Marathon in 2018 and winner of the KL Standard Chartered Marathon for 5 consecutive years from 2015-2019.