The Beginning
- by GreeneryRunner Keep Your Head Up. Keep Your Heart Strong.
Blogger's bio
- by GreeneryRunner Keep Your Head Up. Keep Your Heart Strong.

Number of posts: 7 / Blogging since: December 2014
Im a mother to an active teenager and picky eater hubby. They are my life. They keep me busy. I always exercise and needed a sport thats flexible. Running gives me freedom to when, where, how far or how fast I feel like exercising. From hating it to now loving it. Having self trained myself for over 3 years and did quite well in several races all this year, I'd like to share my views to new runners or anyone who's thinking of starting or anybody else on how I do it, races I did, etc.
Number of posts: 7
Blogging since: December 2014
First race: Safari Zoo Run 2014
Favorite race: Safari Zoo Run
Favorite training place: Botanic Gardens