Date: | 18 September 2011 |
Venue: | East Coast Park |
Time: | 07:00 am |
Location: | Singapore |
Categories: | 10 km, 0.8 km, 1.2 km |
Entry fees
Children: $15
Adults: $35
Adults: $35
More about this event
At POSB, we recognize the importance of educating and developing the young. Once again, we are happy to partner People's Association this year to organize the POSB Passion Run for Kids 2011 to support the children in the community so that they can have a happier childhood and a brighter future.
The POSB PAssion Kids Fund aims to support the children in the community through different programmes. It is part of the People's Association Community Development Fund (PACDF) whose objective is to promote activities and programmes which will contribute towards social capital and community development.
The POSB PAssion Kids Fund aims to support the children in the community through different programmes. It is part of the People's Association Community Development Fund (PACDF) whose objective is to promote activities and programmes which will contribute towards social capital and community development.
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